I love the seersucker bumper with a coordinating yellow ruffle. Love the use of pink, yellow, blue and green. Did I mention seersucker? Not only is that *fun* to say but it is also such a great fabric. For those of you who do not know, I have a dream to own a pretty Jersey cow and name her Tulip. Therefore, this is perfect!Vera Bradley introduced the frilly new Cha Cha Handbag this month. It comes in the four new Spring colors and is super cute! This is "Sittin' in a Tree." My friend Sajata and I went to the VB Spring Premier in January and just loved the new product line. (Sajata had better love it since she won a travel bag and accessory worth over $100!) My favorite part is the row upon row of RUFFLES. Sensing a theme?

Fellow Blogger at Life is...Glamorous and Fabulous! posted about the most beautiful pillow case dresses I have ever seen. Kaitlyn takes after her Momma when she sees what she likes. Cooing, shaking, wide eyes, and big smiles are the most notable reactions. I cannot get them out of my head.

The Uptown Baby
(Notice the Ruffle???)I need a white one with lace, a maroon patterned dress with a grey hem, black and white patterned, and a blue patterned dress. Wait! Did I included a soft white dress with a pink satin bow to the side?
I especially love this dress. I love the contrasting fabric at the arm. Maybe she can make one for me too?!!! I LOVE summer dresses!

Creative Bee
***Another side of fabulous is that I took gorgeous pictures of Kaitlyn right before nap time and fun pictures of Jacob in the tub. Also, yesterday, after taking Jacob to preschool, I pulled into the drive and stopped. The most beautiful birds filled our tree. They then flew between the tree and the holly bushes in front of the house. They came back today in a smaller number. I had the shot lined up and my battery was dead. The most beautiful small birds. I think they came last summer and roosted on our entry way during the high heat of the day. Neat little birds and so HAPPY to have them in our yard. Will post pictures soon!***
Yes, I know there is only one child in the blog header. Trying to read through all the html code to change it to a rotating banner is time consuming. It will be fab-u-lous when it is finished! Have a blessed day!
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