July 29, 2009

I Am Two Months Old

I am two months old!
Baby, what have you been doing?
Lift my head during tummy time
Smile and coo at Mommy and anyone who wants to play
Sleep through the night (at 4 weeks)
Repeat the tones of “I love you” and “Hi”
Reach for objects near or far
Hit the toys on my bouncy seat with my feet or hands
Roll over from my back if I am really mad
Love to play at Physical Therapy twice a week
LOVE girl’s night out and my new friend Breanne
Admire good fabrics and colors by cooing and shaking my head
Grab Mommy’s hair
Smile at big brother Jacob
Sit through most of the church service
Enjoy the great outdoors
Grab for my toes, but not quite reach
Snuggle with Mommy and Daddy for an afternoon nap
Laugh in my sleep
Push up to standing with help
Love watching Paula Deen during physical therapy on the floor
Blow Bubbles
Drool and chew on my hand - may be teething

We love you Kait! Today you have your first illness that has been passed from Jacob to Mommy to Daddy to Baby. We hope you feel better tomorrow sweet girl! Also, always know Jacob loves you dearly! He runs past you saying, “Hi Baby” or “There’s my Baby Girl” or “Hi.” He tries to take you from me and insists he can carry you. He bends down to you and asks if you need your “pabis” (his word for paci). He loves to touch your hair and kiss you on the head. He tries really hard to be gentle with you. He always holds your hand in the car, and your foot when in the jogging stroller (he cannot reach your hand in the stroller). What a great boy you are, Jacob!

I love you Jacob! I love you Kaitlyn! I cannot wait to see all you can do this month! Love you both from your head to your to your toes, to the moon and back!


Thatcher's Mommy said...

I can't believe she's two months already!! Love the booties, just LOVE EM!! She's precious.

Kalley said...

such a cutie!

Nic said...

Kait is so beautiful! Love the blanket and booties, did someone make them for you? I need to see pictures of Kait in her bunting gown!!

Susan said...

Justin's Mom wore those booties when she was wee little one. I love the detail...and she loves that her grandbaby is wearing them.

Anonymous said...

very very cutie

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