October 1, 2009

Run Away Jacob

The first two weeks of preschool consisted of Jacob rushing into class, waving "bye-bye", wanting Mommy to leave, and crying when Mommy came to retrieve her toddler.

Now, as if the sky were falling, Jacob looks into the classroom, sees the small brown headed boy crying as usual, turns 180 and bolts down the hall towards the exit. His teacher chased after him today as I stood beside Kaitlyn in the stroller. She eventually returned with my needs-a-haircut-yesterday little boy kicking away.

When I pick him up, he is happy to go.

Can't complain much since two weeks ago he screamed in terror that Mommy would "take" him from school and the "cars" he was playing with.

I think he may be bored. He knows his numbers and letter and sounds for his letters. He does like to paint and tells me about it after school. Now he points to his train or plane or whatever book confidently describing the item. Green. Train. Blue. Blue. Blue. Yellow. White. Green. One. Two. Zero. One-two-three trains. Nine. Two three Four five.

Not sure what is happening at preschool - would sure like to be a bug on the wall or maybe one of those swanky nursery video monitors. That's better.

All I know is he is the most beautiful, splendid, handsome, smart, witty, funny, goofy, nerdy, likeable little guy ever. Love, love, love this little man.

One last thing. Last week, after Justin put Jacob down, his little voice called for Mommy. I went in a gave him a kiss goodnight. Jacob says, "Hmmm." Kiss him again. "Hmmm." Apparently when I kiss him, I say "hmmm". I lay beside him, kissing his face as he says "hmmm". This flirtatious banter carried on for nearly ten minutes. It was funny and oh so sweet.


Nic said...

"LIKE" (in facebook terms ;) )

Brandy said...

AWWWWWW!!!! I love it! How are things? We need to get together soon! Love ya girl!