October 2, 2009

Twenty Nine

Today you were born. Well, today, twenty nine years ago. When God created the world, He knew you and the day He would put you into action. He knows the plans for you. He is your God, and He loves His creation - You! He made you perfectly and it was no mistake. He knows your days and we pray for many ahead. Praise God for Justin, my love, their Dad, their son, their friend, and a brother.

Happy birth day to Justin. I love you and am so happy our birthday's are seven days apart and that we look the same age.

Love you sweetly,


Nic said...

Happy Belated, Justin!! I will send you all gifts one day... I always forget he is younger than you, lucky him, still in his 20's!

Brandy said...

Happy Belated Bday Justin!