Jacob wrapped up his first Preschool year in May. What a big "little boy" he is! Jacob says he is not big, he is little. Yes. When Jacob first joined ranks with the other tots, he was two and had a paci. He called it Pabi. At the end of the school

year, Jacob had given up his Pabi for trains and tracks (except when he barters with Kaitlyn to take a swig of her paci) and began signing with me. Probably, let me think, yes, a few weeks before preschool Jacob began signing Twinkle Star to me on his own, in a very deep, rustic rocker voice. Could Mommy join in? No.

It was not allowed. At the end of the school year, thankfully, Mommy and Jacob were singing together. Yes! Jacob, you have learned to be a good friend, play with others, perfect coloring, love painting, takes naps independently of Mommy (yes, yes), give up your pabi, sleep on the floor, eat lu

nch with your comrades, say no to biting, jump, play musical instruments, walk in a line with your classmates, shapes and colors (you already knew those), count beyond 20, open up and talk more (you already had a lot to day, but you just put more confidence in it), and just be a wonderful and enthusiastic two year old. Did I mention you can really tear up that playground running and climbing?

What a big strong boy you are! I will miss cute one-piece outfits, taking naps with you, sweetness of your baby cheeks, how you fit into my arms, and that sweet paci lulling you to sleep. I love that you are now three, can sing, recognize words, share with your sister, help bake cookies, love sports, love to read, treat animals kindly, love all things boy. You are super smart, but most of all, you love traveling and seeing those you love. What a wonderful boy!
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