I haven’t been around much and that’s a good thing. I have been super busy just enjoying the kids and getting our home more organized – getting back to life. There is so much catching up and that will begin next week. For now, Friday’s will be a Link up day with Show Us Your Life at Kelly’s Korner.
One of my best friends from college is Preston - we have known each other for 11 years. He is single, 32, and lives in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.
He needs a sweet, smart, woman to walk this life journey. Preston is faithful, kind, smart, hard working, athletic, agreeable, and one of the best friends you will ever have. He likes chocolate, cooking, baking, manly outdoors stuff like shooting and hunting and fishing, and shopping (yes, shopping).
He even knows how to push back his cuticles – we have had that discussion. He plays all kinds of sports. He is the middle child of three boys – so he is very agreeable and well balanced. Very important to know birth order, ladies, and how you relate to your potential spouse!
The Bentley team will see him in just a few hours to tour his first house....I’ll fill you in later! The best thing about Preston is his relationship with Christ – it is evident in all or almost all he does. He is active in his small church, and the entire time I have known Preston, he has always taken my worries and hurts to Christ. When he says he is praying for you, he really is! I was 25 and living with my parents, and was like “nobody is ever going to want me – I live with my parents – and why doesn’t someone want me?” Things with my Dad were not peachy-keen, I felt like a L-oser, couldn’t find a job in fundraising/PR/marketing/writing, worked a job that I later came to love, was tired of attracting weird men, and just prepared myself to be single forever. (Ha! Now, I have two little ones crawling over me as I attempt this post. Sometimes I wish I could have one of those single days of solitude to refresh.) 
Anyway, Preston began to pray for my husband, and sure enough, he showed up within six months. And, when I decided to get serious with Justin, the opinion of Preston mattered right next to my Dad’s and my best girl friends’. I was so happy that Preston liked Justin because I didn’t want to give up one of my best friends and wanted Justin and Preston to be friends. Hopefully, that speaks to who Preston is. He is also goofy and funny. His entire family is simply wonderful! His mom and dad are super sweet, his brothers are great guys, and his sister in law is fabulous! He is a Longhorns fans, so that is a major negative Girls! You have been warned!
(If anyone dates and marries this man…I MUST be invited to the wedding and maybe even be part of your wedding! ;) Just so you know! )
Let me know what you think!
Hi, my name is Wendy (36 years old), and I live in the DFW area as well! I am a Christian as well and found Preston to be a very interesting guy! My email is wgwaldroup@juno.com if interested! Thanks and blessings to all of you!
He's a cutie! I'm a 26 year old Arkansas girl. My email is lkharts@yahoo.com :)
If only I am 10 years younger! He sounded like a man moulded in Jesus image!
Preston sounds like a great guy! I live in Denton - 30, you can check out my blog, my email is tkb98t@yahoo.com if he's interested. Good luck setting up Preston!
How blessed you are to have such a great friend as Preston. And how generous of you to offer to share him. :)
llm050@aol.com if he is interested in a photo and more info!!!
Awhh he sounds amazing!
I live in the DFW area!! I am a Christian looking for a Christian guy! I am a total Longhorns fan!!! :) I am 24 years old. I just started my blog so it is still under construction, but here is my email: nally_76044@yahoo.com
I am super excited!
what a cutie! if he doesn't mind a drive down south on 45 about 3hrs then i wouldn't mind him having my email:) ambermcgaugh82@aol.com he sounds like a great friend. nothing is more attractive than a man's proud walk with Christ.
My friend Melissa would be great for Preston. She is 31 and a sweet southern girl that lives in Frisco. I posted a few pictures of her on my blog. If Preston is interested, tell him to email her at whitnittcu@hotmail.com.
Preston sounds like a great guy. I'm Lindsey, Single, 30 yrs. old, I call the Metroplex home too. I love the Lord, work in ministry currently,love traveling & I have a heart for the Nations. Family, friends, having fun and laughing are really important to me.
My email is: LindseyfromTexas@gmail.com
Preston is cute and sounds like a solid Christian - which is a rarity these days. I am a 31 year old single professional but I live in central Florida..not sure if that is too far or not. I love the Lord and desire to serve HIm and live for Him daily! If he might be interested in a girl from Florida he can send me an email....
Too bad I live in Georgia. He's a hottie and seems really sweet! :o)
My name is Jaime Lee. I live right outside Tulsa, OK! I am 27 years old and teach high school. My email is spar10ette@aol.com or you can check out my blog at http://blessherheartmisspriss.blogspot.com/! Thanks!!
he is absolutely adorable!! Too bad I live in Nashville but I am 25 and truly looking for someone who loves the Lord and looks to Him for every decision in his life. I hope he finds someone!!
I just had to post and say that you are the sweetest friend! He is blessed to have you as a friend- I bet you are a huge encouragement to him!
Hi! I just got back from a mission trip and my Mom was like "you have to check this out!" Anyways, I'm a 26-year old, Aggie elementary school teacher in a suburb north of Dallas who loves the Lord, my family and friends. Seems like I have a lot in common with Preston, except for the Longhorns, but I think I can handle that! :) My email address is cinnamonhodges@gmail.com
Hey Susan,
What an awesome friend you are to help preston out. He sounds like such a Godly man, and one that you can trust to pray for you always. My name is Hillary. I'm very passionate about the Lord, and looking for someone who is just as passionate and has a desire to daily love the Lord. I'm athletic, love to fish and hunt, (really be a spotter, I don't like shooting them. The meat is good though. :), watch college football, but on top of all those things love to get dressed up and go have dinner somewhere or stay in for some good conversations. I would love to know more about Preston if he's interested. My email is hillprints@gmail.com. I hope through all of this He will be able to find the person God has in store for him. May the Lord bless him through this process!
The woman that gets to marry this guy is going to be truly lucky! From what I've learned about Kelly's post, I need to move to TX or TN to find the sweet, Christian guys.
Then again, Colorado isn't too far from Texas, right?
Anyway, I'm Amber. I'm 26, a Christian (that is continually growing in my walk) and a single mom to a great little dude.
If he's interested, my email is AmberinCO@gmail.com or you can learn a bit about me from my blog: thisamber.blogspot.com
I read your info on Kelly’s Korner and immediately thought of my friend, Nicole. I would love to put Preston and Nicole in touch for a few reasons.
1.She’s single and ready to mingle. Seems like Preston is too.
2.If he's looking for a friend, and maybe more, she’s a great friend to have. So, why not be open to making a new friend, right?
3.She’s so much fun, is loyal, kind, and loves Jesus. What more do you need?
Nicole's email is fnf4@yahoo.com. Come on, shoot her an email. You’ve got everything to gain and nothing to lose! Good luck!
I'm getting ready to do the next show us your life single friends and came across your post from last time. Is Preston still single? If so I have an amazing friend that is 26 and lives in Dallas and would definitely be interested in meeting him. My email is megs7827@ymail.com
Hey! I am touring all of Kelly's Korner past singles! Is Preston still single?? :) I am #199 on yesterday's post!
I just found out about Kelly's blog and randomly started going through some of the links. Preston sounds like a really nice guy, and I hope he found the girl of his dreams :) you're a great friend to think about him, and his happiness--hope you have a great day!
(Ps. I realized your post was from 2011, but still wanted to comment, =)
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