September 26, 2011

Real Football. Will Have To Wait.

Jacob is a guy's guy. He has been ready to play since birth. Justin sid he wasn't ready for football, but Jacob said he wanted to play.  Soccer isn't his thing.  To him, kicking the ball seems mundane.  He wants more action.  Flag football or T-ball?  We picked football.  Here is first practice.  Jacob is in a red shirt in the middle of the line.   


After a little bit of practice, and after seeing bigger boys in real helmets, he turns and looks at us.

After he does an awesome drill.  (Go Jacob!)

He says he doesn't want to play.  He says it wasn't REAL football.  He says it is baby football.  I see.  Normally, we would make him play, but we really want him to love football, and we think he will. 

This is what I learned: You see, he wants a real helmet and real pads like the bigger boys down the field.  When I step into my child's eyes, I see what he needs.  This wrestling helmet is not a football helmet.  He was disappointed.  We were disappointed.  This little guy knows what he wants, and he usually excels at what he wants.  It's okay.  It's okay, Justin - he just wants to play with you and practice until he can wear a real helmet and pads.  There is nothing but a boy who has a vision.  And, nothing more than a boy who needs his Dad to lead him to that vision.  It's okay Mom, he is four and you will have many years cheering for him.

What else did I learn?  The boy really wants to kick the football, throw the football and run the ball "fast".  Smart guy!  And, he wants to play babseball in the Spring. Sure thing!  I adore you, Jacob!!!!  You are such a success!

In the meantime, Kaitlyn enjoyed the great outdoors. Love her hair in setting sunlight!
Thoughtful and beautiful.

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